Natwest Branch Closure
25th May 2024
The Big Bromley Brush Up (BBBU) is a year-round campaign to make Bromley an even cleaner greener and safer place to live, work and visit. Bromley Council is inviting individuals and groups such as residents’ associations, schools, businesses, and uniformed youth groups (Scouts/Guides etc.), to participate in their BBBU Summer Spruce-up between 20 June and 17 July 2024.
Sadly, litter such as cans and glass can result in cuts, injuries, and strangled wildlife; carelessly thrown away cigarette butts can pollute soil and waterways; and some waste can even be life threatening. Research has shown that there’s a link between crime and an untidy area where there’s lots of rubbish, graffiti and flyposting. These places tend to be avoided as people think they may be unsafe.
As part of the Summer Spruce-up individuals or groups could take a stroll around their neighbourhood with the neighbourhood checklist sheet, to see if they can spot anything that needs attention, and if applicable, report it to the Council. This includes letting the Council know if there are any empty tree pits so they can plant a replacement tree to help reduce air pollution, quieten noise and improve the appearance of a street. Groups or individuals could consider each taking a litre or two of water with them to pour into the watering bags of newly planted trees!
Residents could join one of the Big Bromley Brush Up activities and events or organise something themselves such as painting railings or a pavilion in a park, or arranging a litter picking session in local streets or a nearby wooded area or other greenspace; the council or their service providers can give health and safety advice; provide things like litter pickers and plastic sacks to collect litter; and take the rubbish away at the end of the activity.
Environmental activities and events (including any regular litter picking activities if you wish to recruit more volunteers), can be promoted on the customisable Big Bromley Brush poster or on the environmental activities and events webpage by completing the activity or event listing form.
If you have any questions, please email