Bromley Boundary Changes – Have your say
29th November 2019
Wickham Commons December Newsletter
15th December 2019
Station Road car park and Library – Feasibility study
On 5th November, several members of the Association’s committee and residents attended a meeting of the Council’s Renewal, Recreation and Housing Committee where a proposal for a feasibility study into the provision of housing at West Wickham Library and Station Road Car Park, was discussed. Also present were our Ward Councillors Nicholas Bennett and Mark Brock.
The study will look at the social impact and economic viability of building permanent housing on the present car park and library site, to help relieve the burden of the approximately 1600 people Bromley are currently housing in temporary accommodation. All parts of the Borough are being considered for similar development. The results of the feasibility study are expected to be presented to the Council committee in Spring 2020.
The document presented to the meeting, giving full details of the proposed feasibility study, is at:-
Some key points from the meeting:-
In the pre-feasibility stage, several possible sites in West Wickham were considered and the Station Road Car Park was chosen as being judged the ‘least’ used.
To help quell some rumours regarding the library, the Portfolio holder responsible made it clear that the existing library will not be closed or moved until a new purpose-built building (such as proposed at the new leisure centre) is ready. The existing library will not be subject to two moves and will not be moved into temporary accommodation, e.g., a shop in the High Street
One committee member from another ward commented that West Wickham is still a vibrant, traditional and attractive destination shopping centre. It still has three banks which is unheard of in many similar shopping centres. He questioned whether the loss of the car park would have a negative effect on the High Street. Another stated that the proposed units are shown as three storey which is out of keeping with the houses in Croft Avenue and surrounding residential roads – would they be cost effective if they were reduced to two storey buildings? The officers explained that these issues will be closely examined in the coming months, as part of the study.
The Chairman mentioned that all comments and queries from residents regarding these proposals should be sent to our Ward Councillors and not to the committee members. Their contact details are given below.
Please bear in mind that the proposal is only at the beginning of feasibility and the scheme has to pass many stages before being reported to the Executive in Spring 2020. No firm proposals or planning applications will be made before then.
Ward Councillors email addresses:
Cllr. Nicholas Bennett J.P. md@kentrefurbishment.co.uk
Cllr. Mark Brock Mark.Brock@bromley.gov.uk
Cllr. Hannah Gray Hannah.Gray@bromley.gov.uk
So that we can gauge reaction, would you please copy any comments to info@westwickhamresidents.com
If you want to send a letter: c/o Members Room
Bromley Civic Centre
Stockwell Close
1 Comment
This car park is in frequent use daily, for visits to shops, laundrette and GP’s surgery . It is certainly needed now by residents and visitors to town , and will be equally necessary with increased population. i n future. Definitely should not be built on.