Wickham Common Newsletter – December 2018
25th December 2018
Layhams Road Development News
20th January 2019
West Wickham Leisure and Library Development
The Council has now appointed Perfect Circle, a built environment consultancy, who will be utilising the expertise of Pick Everard and Montagu Evans to design a new leisure and library facility in West Wickham. The detailed work that the team will be undertaking, will then enable consultation with the public to take place.
Thank you for any initial comments you have raised, and these have been fed through to the design team. We are pleased to include a current early design concept from the architects.
Interested residents and users of the facilities who want to be informed when initial consultation takes place, can visit www.bromley.gov.uk/westwickhampoolandlibrary to register their interest, where there is also further information about this proposal.
We will keep this page updated throughout the project.
Alicia Munday
Strategic Commissioning Manager
London Borough of Bromley
Six Floors! There seems to be a determination to build West Wickham upwards. If left to developers, they won’t stop until until residential West Wickham is a monstrosity of apartments.
I also have concerns about the proposed height of the development – four floors would follow the precedent set by the Lidl development.