Successful West Wickham Remembrance Day Event

Lower Thames Crossing – Views Wanted!
6th November 2018
West Wickham Scouts
11th November 2018
Lower Thames Crossing – Views Wanted!
6th November 2018
West Wickham Scouts
11th November 2018

There was a great attendance for the West Wickham Remembrance day parade this Sunday, with a crowd of around 3-400 people.

A big than you to Reverend Bill Bowman who provided a moving and thoughtful sermon which included quotes from Johnny Cash, Winston Churchill and the Old Testament!

Despite a rainy start the sun managed to shine through at the end!









Attendees take time to read the memorial wreaths placed at the remembrance monument after the event









The crowd spills over on to the other side of Corkscrew Hill









The sun comes out as the crowd disperses from an excellent event

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