London’s New Years Eve Fireworks
26th September 2017
Biggin Hill Memorial Museum
26th September 2017
Old Health Clinic – Hawes Lane
A planning application has been made for a new nursery school with 110 places on the site of the old Health Clinic. Additional nursery school places will be welcomed by families with young children but the traffic implications are a matter for concern in this already busy road. WWRA has raised this issue with the Council.
260 Hawes Lane – New Flats
There is also an application to demolish 260 Hawes Lane and build flats. This does seem out of keeping with the surrounding properties and this issue has been raised with the Council too.
20 Ravenswood Avenue, West Wickham
Single storey detached outbuilding incidental to main dwelling.
(Retrospective Application)
Residents may be interested to know that whilst the Council declined to approve an outbuilding in the garden of 20 Ravenswood Avenue this has been allowed by the Planning Inspectorate at appeal.