SPRING PARK – CITY OF LONDON – NEWSLETTER 28 July – Spring Park – Pond Clearance
8th July 2017
Spring Park Annual Film Makers Show – 26th October
2nd September 2017
West Wickham Safer Neighbourhood June Newsletter
West Wickham SNT – PS King 12PY, PC Watkins 924PY and PCSO Wright 7154PY
Telephone 020 8721 2608
Email westwickham.snt@met.police.uk
Please note these are not monitored 24/7. In an emergency please call 999 or if the matter is not urgent but requires a Police response please dial 101
Ward Panel Promises
Safer Shopping
The team continues to work with local businesses in an effort to tackle theft related offences.
Road Safety
Officers are working with traffic enforcement officers to deal with traffic issues. The team will
continue to use the laser speed gun at various locations to combat speeding motorists.
Vulnerable persons
The team continues to work with other agencies to warn the elderly and vulnerable about scams.
Officers attend victim’s homes to give crime prevention advice.
Upcoming Event
Wednesday 19th July 2017 at 11am the team will be outside Wickham Pools.
Wednesday 9th August 2017 at 6pm the team will be outside Sainsbury Station Road
Saturday 23rd September 2017 at 3pm the team will be in McAndrews Park
General Crime Overview
Below is the list of West Wickham MOPAC 7 crimes reported in June 2017:
Robbery (0)
Violence with injury (1) Dementia sufferer assulted neighbour
Theft from a person (0)
Theft from Motor Vehicle (4) Langley Way x 2 tools, Pickhurst Rise tools, Copse Avenue travel bag
Theft of Motor Vehicle (2) Cheyne Park Drive, Corkscrew Hil
Criminal damage (4) unattended car scratched, car damaged as a result of road rage. vehicle
ignition wires damaged, house window smashed by owners son.
Burglary (6) Residential – Pickhurst Rise x 2, Beckenham Road, Rose Walk . Non residential – .
Wickham chase and Corkscrew Hill
Crime prevention and Relevant News
Burglars don’t want to be seen or heard ensure you use the security you have installed.
Install a visible intruder alarm system with an active bell box – both front and rear of the
– Ensure access to the side and rear of the property is restricted (lockable gates). In the case
of flats the communal door must be secured.
– Security lights should be fitted to the front, side and rear to increase visibility as they are an
active deterrent.
– Where door locks are operated by lifting the handle, use the key to double lock the door and
take the key out; remember Lift-Lock-Remove.
– An internal letterbox shield will prevent keys being fished through the letterbox.
– Close and lock all of your doors and windows.
– Protect valuables by property marking/photographing and recording the serial numbers. This
increases the chances of your property being recovered and bringing the offender to justice.
– Use automatic timer-switches to turn a light on after dark so that your home appears
occupied. This is particularly important during the winter months when the days are much
– Communal doors and other multi occupancy buildings must be secured to prevent people
tailgating. Make sure you know who you are letting in.
Please do not leave valuables on display in your cars and ensure your vehicle is locked and the
windows are fully closed when it is left unattended.
Motorcycles not garaged should be secured overnight to anchor point if one is available.
Tips on how to beat the scammers.
1. Do not tell anybody your PIN. Never give banking or personal details to anyone you do not
know or trust.
2. Never send money to anybody you do not know. Be suspicious of all too good to be true offers
and deals.
3. Financial institutions or the Police will never ask you to assist them by handing over your bank
cards or withdrawing cash.
4. If someone calls at your home, always examine their identification and check their reason for
calling. Never let anybody into your house unless you know or trust them. Get trustworthy advice or
a second opinion before agreeing to any expensive work or purchases.
You can now follow the team on twitter using @MPSWestWickham.
On Friday 23rd June 2017 between 10am and 2pm the team held a community impact day at St
Francis Church Hall Ravenswood Avenue. Officers where there to answer your questions about
local issues and give crime prevention advice. The team were joined by Nicola Fishman from the
Bromley Dementia Support Hub, Jackie Hillman from Memory Box and Beverly Pharlo from
Parking enforcement. Officers also attended Santander and spoke with customers. Parking
enforcement officers patrolled around local schools.
SNT officers security marked peddle cycles and tools whilst Bromley Police cadets gave out
business crime prevention booklets to local shops and anti burglary leaflets to local residents