River monitoring in High Broom Woods
7th April 2023
Bromley Library Late night
27th April 2023
The Friends of Blake Park are pleased to share that plans for Village Day 2023 are in full swing, with a coronation theme fit for a King!
May 1st will be a day in the park with a village fete feel; come along to enjoy street food, displays, local crafts, stalls, live music, bar, kid’s attractions and our ever popular dog shows!
For more details, please click the link below.

The Friends are a small group of volunteers, and we would love to have more help with Village Day, from planning and prepping to help on the day. We’re a friendly group and it’s a fantastic event to be part of!
Please get in touch via our Friends Facebook page (@BlakeParkFriends) or via our NEW email address if you’d like to get involved: friendsofblakepark@gmail.com.
As always, the emphasis of the day is celebrating West Wickham and we would love as many local craftspeople, small businesses, traders, charities, club and groups as possible to be there with us on the day. If you’re interested in becoming a stallholder, please contact us via our Village Day Facebook page (@WestWickhamDay) or contact Rachelle by email at rachelle@lollipopevents.co.uk. We also have lots of opportunities to advertise your business in our programme, in our arena on the day and through our 100 Club. Please email the Friends if you are interested.
Alongside Village Day, the Friends run regular clean-up activities in the park including litter picks, gardening workshops and art in the park. Please follow us on Facebook to keep updated or join the Friends for free by subscribing to our newsletter here: http://eepurl.com/USC99. We’ll also keep you updated on grant applications, projects developments in the park and more!