Coffee with a Coppa sessions
13th December 2022
Bromley Police Community Newsletter
13th December 2022
Where are they and how to use them
As well as the indoor defibrillators mentioned in our Newsletters recently, West Wickham now has at least three Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) which can be accessed at all times. They are at the entrance to West Wickham Station, at St Francis Church in Ravenswood Avenue and at Emmanuel Church in the Grove. We are also being offered a further installation, the siting of which is still being considered.
The AEDs fitted at St Francis and Emmanuel Churches are registered with ‘The Circuit’, a database which is a joint initiative of the British Heart Foundation and the Ambulance Service.
When a defibrillator is needed, you should call 999 and the call handlers will tell you where the
nearest external defibrillator is located and give you the access code to open the case. Once opened, the defibrillator gives verbal instructions for its use. Once a defibrillator has been used, the database operators inform those responsible for the installation so that it can be checked, and any used items replaced before it goes back into use.