Library and Station Road/Croft Avenue Car Park Proposals
16th June 2021
West Wickham Commons Newsletter – July
13th July 2021
Future of the pavement widening scheme in West Wickham High Street
Streetspace schemes were implemented by TfL last year as part of the Covid-19 regulations. You will probably be aware of the temporary build outs adjacent to the Sainsbury’s shop at the western end of the High Street, one adjacent to Barclays Bank, one adjacent to bus stop H on the southern side of the High Street and one adjacent to Café Talis. They are designed for places where the pavement narrows, and they allow pedestrians to walk in the road to maintain social distancing.
TfL are reviewing each scheme to determine whether it is no longer needed, needs to be amended or should be made permanent. They have written to us as follows:- “We would like to know what you think we should do, and about any comments or experience you have had when using the extended pavement. We will use your feedback to help us decide what to do. If you have any comments or suggestions for changes or improvements we might make, please let us know by contacting us at Https://haveyoursay.tfl.gov.uk/pavement-widening-west-wickham . If you are unable to use this website you can email us at haveyoursay@tfl.gov.uk, write to us at FREEPOST TFL HAVE YOUR SAY, or call on 0343 222 1234.”
The Association and Ward Councillors are against the widening of the pavements because, the temporary need will be ending soon, the problems created for cyclists and motorists where the street narrows and unnecessary public expense. For a fuller explanation, see the Summer edition of our Newsletter.
If you have a view either supporting or objecting to this proposal, you are urged to it known via one of the methods mentioned above in the TfL letter.