West Wickham Commons Newsletter January 2021
9th January 2021
Road Stewards Needed
31st January 2021
Local COVID Vaccinations – will start on Thursday, 14th January 2021 at the following GP surgeries:
Please note:
You will be contacted when needed and you should not make proactive contact.
- Eden Park Surgery
- Manor Road Surgery
- Pickhurst Surgery
- Station Road Surgery
- Addington Road Surgery
- Wickham Park Surgery
COVID Testing centres
Bromley Council will open a second Covid-19 Rapid Test Unit at the Kentwood Centre in Penge, additional to the one at the Civic Centre. Both offer Lateral Flow Tests for those over 18, without symptoms, with results received within 30 minutes to a smart phone or email address.
A proportion of people are asymptomatic and yet the virus is found to be present on testing and so they are in danger of spreading it to others without knowing. Lateral Flow Testing aims to identify those who may be spreading the virus inadvertently because they have no symptoms.
Tests were initially offered to front line staff to protect residents they come into contact with, but as the second site opens and capacity is expanded, care providers, police and fire services, businesses, the voluntary sector and targeted communities in the borough, as well as other members or the public who are over 18 can book tests.
Bookings must be made in advance through the council’s website
Those without internet can call 020 8461 7799 and Bromley staff will be able to assist with enquiries about the council’s testing programme.
For any other council related query, residents should call the council’s main number
020 8464 3333.
Those who test positive will be asked to self-isolate and book a home PCR test using the details below to confirm the result and continue to self-isolate for 10 days if the positive result is confirmed. Even if testing negative, residents should still continue to follow the guidance, maintain social distancing, wear a face covering and maintain good hand hygiene. Regular testing is therefore recommended for those who have regular contact with others outside their household or bubble through their day-to-day situation or work.
This process is not for those with symptoms – anyone feeling unwell with any of the coronavirus symptoms – a high temperature, continuous cough or a change in taste or smell, should book a PCR test through the normal government route online atwww.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test or by calling 119.
12 January 2021