Courier Fraud Awareness
29th November 2019
Bakerloo Line Extension Update – Public Exhibitions
29th November 2019
Message to all Residents’ Associations from Dr Brendan Donegan <bdonegan11@gmail.com>, resident of Bromley.
I am writing to you on behalf of a group of Bromley voluntary organisations and residents who have organised hustings events in 3 of the Borough’s constituencies.
These events focus on the environment and climate change. Many people have referred to this General Election as the climate change election, thanks to the flooding that has taken place in recent weeks across the UK. Many parts of Bromley Borough are in river valleys and also vulnerable to flooding. These events are an opportunity for residents to find out how candidates view these issues.
Hustings for Bromley and Chislehurst constituency and Beckenham will take place in the Council Chamber in Bromley Civic Centre (Br1 4uh), and the hustings for Orpington will take place in Orpington Baptist Church (br6 0rz). The dates for these events are 28 November, 4 December and 5 December respectively. All events are 7-9pm, with doors opening at 6.30pm. Residents are invited to send questions in advance to greenerandcleaneruk@gmail.com.
These events have been organised on a non-partisan basis by Greener and Cleaner Bromley and Beyond, Bromley Friends of the Earth.
The Constitution of all Residents’ associations requires them to be non party political, West Wickham Residents’ Association is no exception but feel the subject important enough to publicise. |