Wickham Common April Newsletter
13th April 2019
Bat Walk 26th April
13th April 2019
Hi All,
As of Saturday 30th March 2019 fully automated defibrillators will be available for use in both Wickham Hall and Medhurst Hall.
- On your next visit please locate the position of the defibrillator in case you need to use it!
- In Wickham Hall it is in the small lobby from the single entry door, on the wall facing the back wall of the stage steps.
- In Medhurst Hall it is on the right hand wall of the entrance hallway.
- Please also use the link below to view a training video which will show you how to use the defibrillator
Please view the Heartsine Samaritan 500P training video, the machine will guide you through each stage of its use with simple easy to follow steps.
The machine will be fitted with an adult battery pad/pak but a pink children’s pak is available within the cabinet.
[The children’s battery pak should be used for children under the age of 8 or under 25 Kgs in weight]
If you have any questions or queries regarding the defibrillators please contact me on tonyldunne@virginmedia.com and I will endeavour to help!
Tony Dunne
Hall Trustee