Bromley Borough News Spring 2019
17th March 2019Red Lodge Road Junction
30th March 2019The Bromley Local Plan 2019
Summary of the aspects that are of general interest or refer specifically to West Wickham or adjacent areas.
The plan was adopted in January 2019. It is the central document in the Borough’s development plan and it, along with other Borough Plans, essentially forms Bromley’s contribution to achieving the London Mayor’s London Plan. It must, therefore, meet the criteria set out in the London Plan.
- 641 net additional homes to be delivered every year during the period 2015-2025. (The Mayor is to review this figure during 2019).
- Bromley is designated as a Metropolitan Town Centre and Orpington a Major Town Centre.
- West Wickham is designated as one of five District Centres. (The others being Crystal Palace, Beckenham, Penge & Petts Wood).
Bromley is the largest Borough in area and has the sixth largest population at 306,000 in 131,000 households and with Green Belt land making up over 50% of the Borough.
In planning new development:
- Private/public open space and appropriate car parking are key considerations.
- The provision of car charging points, cycle routes, car clubs and the maximum use of public transport must be considered.
There are two strategic areas for economic growth called Strategic Outer London Development Centres (SOLDC) – Biggin Hill and Crystal Palace. The Cray Valley will be a focus for Industrial and Business Development.
With regard to the Green Belt, proposed amendments are for
- Biggin Hill Strategic Outer London Development Centre;
- New education sites within Green Belt;
- Re-designation as Urban Open Space of existing schools within Green Belt or
- Metropolitan Open Land to facilitate expansion, and
- Traveller sites.
In Bromley there is a net annual need for affordable housing of about 1400 units per annum. The Council will seek affordable housing on all housing developments capable of providing 11 residential units or more or where the residential floorspace is more than 1000sqm, irrespective of the number of dwellings. In negotiating the amount of affordable housing on each site, the Council will seek 35% provision with 60% social-rented/affordable rented housing and 40% intermediate provision, unless it can be demonstrated that a lower level should be sought or that the 60:40 split would not create mixed and balanced communities.
The Council will resist the unnecessary loss of Public Houses.
In terms of health and wellbeing, The Council will work proactively with health professionals and relevant bodies to improve the physical and mental health of the Borough’s residents and reduce health inequalities by taking account of, and supporting local strategies for health and wellbeing and by delivering quality, healthy environments, infrastructure and accessible health facilities to meet the needs of the community.
The Borough has, and is predicted to continue to have, the highest number elderly people in London; and that the variation in life expectancy between wards can be as high as 9 years.
With respect to education, provision for primary places has been increasing significantly and steadily for the last 6 years and the increased pressure for places is now feeding through to the secondary sector.
Schools affected in or near West Wickham:-
Wickham Common Primary will be expanded. (Currently Green Belt).
New Primary schools on the Langley Park Boys and Girls school sites. Currently Metropolitan Open Land. (MOU)
Both Wickham Common and Langley Park sites will be re-designated as Urban Open Space. (UOS)
The preparation of the Local Plan is the time that the Green Belt boundaries can, if there are exceptional circumstances, be amended. However, once amended they should be capable of enduring beyond the plan period. Not really sure whether this means the designation can be re-assigned to Green Belt/MOU after the need has ceased.
Transport for London and the Council are exploring the potential of significant junction improvements at the ‘Keston Mark’ junction – the A232 Croydon Road and the A233 Westerham Road and Oakley Road. Significant delays are experienced by all road users and this situation could, potentially, be further exacerbated with an increase in road traffic associated with Biggin Hill Airport and the proposed economic growth at the Biggin Hill Strategic Outer London Development Centre (SOLDC). In the plan for 2016-2020.
The council is also safeguarding land for the possible extension of the DLR from Catford to Bromley South via Bromley North. 2022-2030
The Council continues to lobby for improved public transport connectivity with Canary Wharf, principally to provide access to this growing employment centre. To date, feasibility proposals have been worked up jointly between TfL and the Council but funding has yet to be identified for any investment in light rail extensions. As the London Overground network success continues, the feasibility of extending from New Cross Gate to Bromley North is currently being explored.
Until demonstration by TfL of a sound business case taking into account the detriment to existing national rail services to Hayes, the Council will not support safeguarding of land for any extension of the London Underground.
The Romano-British site, Wickham Court Farm, West Wickham, a site of substantial Romano-British settlement has been scheduled as an Ancient Monument.
Within the Green Belt permission will not be given for inappropriate development unless very special circumstances can be demonstrated that clearly outweigh the harm by reason of inappropriateness or any other harm.
High Broom Wood has been designated as Open Green Space
Within the primary frontages of West Wickham District Centre, the Council will consider a change of use away from Class A1 where the proposal would:
- not harm the predominant retail character of the shopping frontage,
- generate significant pedestrian visits during shopping hours,
- complement the existing shopping function of the centre,
- not create an inappropriate over concentration of similar uses which would be harmful to the function or viability of the centre,
- not result in adverse effects caused by crime, disorder or anti-social behaviour and have no adverse impact on residential amenity.
Within the secondary frontages of West Wickham District Centre, the Council will consider a change of use away from Class A1 where the proposal would meet all of the following criteria:
- the use would provide a service that complements the shopping function of the centre,
- not harm the retail character, attractiveness, vitality and viability of the centre including unreasonably reducing the number of Class A1 units,
- retain an appearance which is compatible with the adjoining shops/premises,
- provide an active frontage at ground floor level.
Elsewhere within the Town Centre boundary, development proposals will be encouraged and expected to contribute positively to the vitality and viability of the Town Centre. For West Wickham:-
Primary Frontages:- Secondary Frontages:-
Bell Parade 1-6(c),
Glebe Way 2-4, Lidl, High Street 1-107(o), 6-62(e), 66-100(e), The Swan Public House, Station Road 76-96(e) |
Glebe Way 32-62(e), The Library
High Street 102-140(e), 109-127(o), 131-171(o) Station Road 75-115(o) Wickham Court Road Garage |
Neighbourhood Centres & Parades for West Wickham:-
Addington Road 10 – 24 (e)
Red Lodge Road 1-14(c), The Railway Public House
Station Road 16-20(e)
Ravenswood Crescent 1-15(o), 4-10 (e), 21-25(o)
Beckenham Road 1-5(o), 9-11(o)
There are 4 proposed Areas of Special Residential Character (ASRC), The Knoll, Marlings Park, North Copers Cope Road and Chelsfield Park.